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How to choose the right winter tires

Posted June 17, 2024

We talk a lot about summer tires, winter tires, all-weather tires, and the importance of changing your tires on the right dates, but that’s not all that’s important! Did you know that not every tire is built equal?

What influences the price?

It is above all the design of the tire which influences the price, but above all the handling. Knowing what makes a good winter tire is crucial to saving you a lot of trouble: even the car with the best traction in the world is entirely at the mercy of its tires to ensure contact with the road and stay safe. .

Especially with the harsh Quebec winters which combine heavy snow, ice, sleet and extreme temperatures, it is important to equip yourself with real winter tires adapted to our demanding climate.

The shape of the grooves: an often forgotten detail

The different types of grooves can also make all the difference when it comes to choosing the tires that will be appropriate for your vehicle, your type of driving and the environments you frequent… it is certain that the type of tire recommended for you will be completely different depending on whether you drive a sedan on suburban streets or whether you spend your days and evenings driving your truck on poorly, or not at all, plowed country roads!

Your advisor will be able to guide you towards the best type of tire that will suit your driving habits and keep you safe.

Dates to remember

Quebec law requires you to have tires suitable for winter from December 1 to March 15 inclusive. If you don’t change your tires on time, not only do you risk a fine, but you put your own safety and that of other road users at risk.

Remember that below 7 degrees Celsius, your summer tires start to lose grip… Get ahead of the cold season!

That’s not all!

Each model and range of tires is different, whether in quality, performance or resistance. Beyond the grooves, the tire construction itself can change a lot and give you completely different results and grip depending on the conditions. To see things more clearly, there is nothing like a specialized expert in the field! Come visit us, or make an appointment with one of our specialists to choose the best tires for your safety and that of others. Winter is difficult enough as it is, we don’t need to go to any more trouble!

Questions? Our Advisors are Happy to Help!

If you have questions about anything you've read in this resource page, contact your nearest dealer for more information. We are passionate in assisting our customers make the best choices to keep their vehicles in tip-top shape and keep their families safe.
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